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07-11-2013, 01:39 PM,
In game name: FinishIgor
Country: Sweden/Finland
Age: 25years old
Why do you think we should whitelist you?: Cause im a mature adult with much humour. Im unemployed and spend pretty much time to play minecraft so im an active player.
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: I do not want to brag or sound the best but I think the people will like to play with me.
How did you find the server?: On the FTB forum
Have you been on any servers before?: Yes i have, i played on a server with name GamingBlade. Sadly the admin was not that resposible of the server and we could wait days untill the server was up again. People start to search after new servers and the server was pretty empty. So i decide to leave cause i want a stable server hosted close to Sweden. I cannot handle the huge block lagg that i get from the servers thats hosted in US.

Hope to hear from you soon.
08-11-2013, 12:14 AM,
RE: Application
Whitelisted welcome diamond (sorry took so long)
08-11-2013, 12:44 PM, (This post was last modified: 08-11-2013, 12:53 PM by FinishIgor.)
RE: Application
(08-11-2013, 12:14 AM)darkrising Wrote: Whitelisted welcome diamond (sorry took so long)

Don't worry, you showed up atleast Wink

Btw, wich modpacks are you using? Thought one of the server was Ultimate modpack, but when i put in the IP i get vanilla minecraft 1.6.4 server. Would be nice to know so i can decide wich one i wanna go for.

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