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Whitelist Online
20-02-2013, 03:09 PM,
Whitelist Online
In game name: Online
Country: Norway
Age: 24

Previous experience with the mods: Tekkit was my first experience, then i modded my own Minecraft with the mods Direwolf20 used in his 4th season singleplayer + some more mods. Then i played some Direwolf20 modepack for the FTB launcher with some friends.

Why do you think we should whitelist you?: I'm a social guy who likes to help and to tinker with minecraft mods.

Do you think you are mature player? Explain why: Yes, i see myself as a mature player. I don't try to push other down to make myself look better, and i don't create alot of drama for nothing.

Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: When i have played on other servers, i often had a small group of players who followed me around and asked for help etc, mainly younger new players.

How did you find the server?: I search on google for a FTB server.

Have you been on any servers before?: Played the game since alpha, so i've been around. Mainly i played on friends servers, but i also been on about 5 other servers,
the only one of them i remember is "serverscape" a tekkit server.
20-02-2013, 03:15 PM,
RE: Whitelist Online

Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.

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