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Whitelist Technofirma
19-12-2015, 12:25 AM,
Whitelist Technofirma
In game name: Rema78
Country: Im from Netherlands
Describe your personality: im a very friendly and helpful person, if someone need help, ill do all i can for helping.
How much experience do you have with Feed The Beast and/or minecraft mods?: i´ve been playing Direwolf20 pack VC2
How did you find this server / community?: Curse modpack
Did anyone invite you to the server, if so who?: no
Which mod are you most interested in? TerraFirmaCraft

I all ready played some time but was not white listed
20-12-2015, 03:36 AM,
RE: Whitelist Technofirma
The Technofirma server is a public server, no whitelist is necessary.

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