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Whitelist Painstouch
04-08-2013, 02:57 PM,
Whitelist Painstouch
In game name? Painstouch
Country you're from? Slovenia
Number of springs you have smelled so far? 23
Previous experience with the mods? Technic for 1.2.5 and onwards.
Why do you think we should whitelist you? Expanding your player base with active members.
Do you think you are mature player? The last thing that comes to my mind is violating rules, even down the road.
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you? Not that I am aware of.
Where on Minecartia did you shovel up our home away from home? FTB Forum post, that you updated with FTB Unleashed, which I'd prefer to play.
Which home did you previously call your own? Sadly, no real MC Multiplayer experience bar a single Vanilla whitelisted one for couple of logins. Found that their "maturity" filter wasn't strict enough.
Name and and ALL terrors you've committed on your quest for glory? I did never such a thing and I prefer it stays so.
04-08-2013, 03:04 PM,
RE: Whitelist Painstouch
Welcome diamond
04-08-2013, 03:06 PM,
RE: Whitelist Painstouch
Why thank you.

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