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Impatience and how to log in pre-hotfix
29-08-2015, 07:36 PM,
RE: Impatience and how to log in pre-hotfix
I think i forgot about a step in which i renamed the tfc mod file name, my tfc mod name is [1.7.10]TerraFirmaCraft- I believe its normally downloaded without the [1.7.10] so the fatal error may be a result of the pack not referencing its resources properly from an unofficial fix. Let me know if this was it. btw, couldn't think of a good way to describe the location of the microblock file due to the varying levels of tech savyness, will edit later once others confirm, i did reinstall and pulled it off a second time so it is possible.
Atm i am rather inclined to wait for a release or dex's input, a few bugs such as the world having been generated weird (map was pre loaded, but the edges of the generated terrain do not merge with new generation, was fun scailling a mountain range and jumping off a 100 block straight cliff into deep ocean, but looks terrible for a map) I also believe enviromine needs additional configuration, my tfc water is high but my enviromine hydration is killing me. theres also the weird issue where interacting with gui's crashes the server (did it with knaping and then making a torch in a fire pit) which is damn weird b/c a mismanaged file on my part should crash me not a server.

after that the server looks to promise a real challenge, became afflicted with frostbite and felt like i was doomed to die 10min in, barely survived by making a fire pit but the far north spawn promises to cause alot of noob rage, particularly in winter. Server also felt to run respectably smooth for me and my laptop so the crashes people have talked about on various forums feel to be single player, probably due to the limited resources of home computers in my guess.

btw, your mountains are safe dex, too close to spawn for my tastes, and you are going to need alot of fireplaces in that climate to survive too

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RE: Impatience and how to log in pre-hotfix - by Big_Bear91 - 29-08-2015, 07:36 PM

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