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Impatience and how to log in pre-hotfix
29-08-2015, 11:21 AM,
RE: Impatience and how to log in pre-hotfix
Hey Bear,

I tried your solution, as i am growing impatient too XD, but i ran in to some issues.

1. your description isnt clear as to where the microblocks.cfg should be, i changed microblocks.cfg in the config folders (guess that should be it, but maybe for other ppl it might be worth while mentioning where to find it).
2. in my first try i wrote tile.water without the "" (cant remember the name Smile but i think it should be with them.
3. The changelog mentiones TFC changed from 79.22.772 --> 79.22.784 i have the downloaded file, but i cant seem to be able to disable the .772 file to get the other one in.
4. i do indeed no longer get the missing tile.water msg, but now when i try to log in it gives a 'fatal error has occured' msg just when i get in (i guess thats because of the wrong TFC version).

Thanks a lot for all the work you put into this, but i will need some more help to get it fixed i think. (or some more patience XD)

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RE: Impatience and how to log in pre-hotfix - by dutchcook - 29-08-2015, 11:21 AM

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