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Whitelist tachyony
24-03-2013, 09:11 PM,
Whitelist tachyony
In game name: tachyony
Country: England/ United Kingdom
Age: 29
Previous experience with the mods: Most of them at various levels. I have most experience with Thermal Expansion ,RedPower, BuildCraft, ComputerCraft and maybe a bit of Forestry or ThaumCraft depending on resources.
Why do you think we should whitelist you?: I can do some good stuff with various industrial mod and can build with them at a good level. I also have had this urge recently to get more creative with building things with something other than stone. Minecraft is not quite the same without other active people; I don't want to do SSP all the time. I want to build on a server that does not disappear randomly, see below.
Do you think you are mature player? I am well over 18 and have matured a lot over the last few years. I am mature while playing and play nice with others. i also have more life experience that the usually younger members and can deal with people if they insist on being difficult.
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: Nope.
How did you find the server?: Searching on the FTB forums and found your forum thread.
Have you been on any servers before? LukeyCraft FTB, before it went into indefinite hibernation.
24-03-2013, 09:41 PM,
RE: Whitelist tachyony


Hope to see you on the server

Lots of friendly people on here and glad to have you as one of them
Our greatest happiness does not depend on the condition of life in which chance has placed us, but is always the result of a good conscience, good health, occupation, and freedom in all just pursuits.

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