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revive technofirma?
Forum: Technofirma
Last Post: monkeycars
28-07-2018, 12:54 AM
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Forum: Technofirma
Last Post: monkeycars
23-04-2017, 04:41 AM
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How long has it been?
Forum: Technofirma
Last Post: Elexorien
22-11-2016, 02:59 PM
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Technofirma passive mobs ...
Forum: Technofirma
Last Post: PJSanderson
05-09-2016, 07:15 PM
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Is "Ships" completely bor...
Forum: Technofirma
Last Post: PJSanderson
04-09-2016, 06:49 AM
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Technofirma Meet and Gree...
Forum: Technofirma
Last Post: PJSanderson
24-08-2016, 05:10 PM
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Whitelist Stevemck1
Forum: Add me to the whitelist!
Last Post: dexman545
15-08-2016, 08:55 PM
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Ark Update.
Forum: Issues
Last Post: darkrising
03-08-2016, 05:40 PM
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Errors, Broken things, an...
Forum: Technofirma
Last Post: HITMAN82
08-06-2016, 08:23 PM
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05-06-2016, 09:16 PM
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Information Technofirma statistics discussion
Posted by: darkrising - 19-03-2016, 10:39 PM - Forum: Technofirma - No Replies

Facebook post:
We here at darkserver labs (we have a lab now?) have decided to start generating some player statistics from the technofirma server, so we could in theory make a leader board of the players that have played the most and perhaps even show the top ten players from each week.

What do you think of this? What type of things would you like to see? Let us know!

As a note, you would of course be able to 'opt-out' if you wish!

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  Server Timing out
Posted by: Doddle41 - 13-03-2016, 01:19 PM - Forum: Technofirma - Replies (3)

My friend and I have recently started playing on the server we played for around 8 hours then got the message "Timed out," since then we've gotten on once before briefly, before it happened again, and since then have not been able too get on the server with the error message "Timed Out" despite there being varying amounts of people on, is this an issue on our end or the server?

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  Can we talk about sails?
Posted by: Borzoi - 11-03-2016, 04:27 PM - Forum: Technofirma - No Replies

So, currently wool has physics right? which means we're not able to make any sort of decent sails, because they have to be absolutely square, which looks horrible, sails horrible, and just in general, is horrible. is there any possibility that it could be cut from the physics mod? wool is such an expensive material anyways, new players cant build their house out of it. I have a field of 1500 flax currently, and I'm making about 5 wool blocks per harvest, I can assure you, it's not something someone could just make a house out of unless they reeeally tried. sure it would be possible to break the physics stuff with it, but It's making the ships mod completely impractical.

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  whitelist Enzapdos
Posted by: Enzapdos - 19-02-2016, 03:06 AM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (1)

In game name: Enzapdos
Country: USA
Age: 18
Describe your personality: Easy to get along with, typically quiet, will usually help out someone in need.
How much experience do you have with Feed The Beast and/or minecraft mods?: I have been playing different minecraft mods for a while and am pretty knowledgeable with the various mods
How did you find this server / community?: A friend told me about this mod and i looked it up and it seemed fun
Did anyone invite you to the server, if so who?:
Which mod packs are you most interested in? Terrafirmacraft

P.S. I typically play together with my friend Scoutsean, and it would be great if we could both get whitelisted.

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  Whitelist Scoutsean
Posted by: PyroKleptic - 19-02-2016, 03:01 AM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - No Replies

In game name: My in-game name is Scoutsean
Country: I'm from Florida, in the United States of America.
Age: I'm an 18 year old male.
Describe your personality: I'm a little anti-social and I try to stay to myself, but I will chime in and help out if I at all can.
How much experience do you have with Feed The Beast and/or minecraft mods?: I've played on Fairy Tail Woooooow!, and Magic World 2 for their use of Thuamcraft.
How did you find this server / community?: I found out about Technofirma from a friend and then googled servers for it.
Did anyone invite you to the server, if so who?: No one invited me to the server, I'm joining out of my own interest.
Which mod are you most interested in? Technofirmacraft with Thaumcraft because I'm interested to see how Technofirma will change how I play Thaumcraft.

P.S. I typically play together with my friend Enzapdos, and it would be great if we could both get whitelisted.

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  I was banned?
Posted by: epicfaillord - 28-12-2015, 09:39 PM - Forum: I was banned? - No Replies

I was banned

the server finally started connecting to me properly too

what's going on

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  Whitelist Aplication Nickerbrick
Posted by: Nickerbrick - 19-12-2015, 04:35 PM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - No Replies

In-game name: nickerbrick
Country: The United Kingdom
Age: 18
Personality: A crazy individual who is very friendly, follows the rules and always enjoys a joke.
Experience: I have a considerable amount of experience with most Feed the Beast (excluding newly released mods) for about 2 years. I'm very good with magic bees and most mods to do with bees.
How did I find this server / community: I found this community from a friend at college who I later found out was Dark's brother.
Who invited me to the server: Gashz, Duck
Which mod pack am I most interested in: I am interested in FTB Infinity 2.2.2

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  Whitelist Infinty 2.2.2
Posted by: Commandergriz - 19-12-2015, 02:37 PM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - No Replies

In game name: Commandergriz
Country: England
Describe your personality: competitive, friendly and determined
How much experience do you have with Feed The Beast and/or minecraft mods?: lots, almost 100 hours
How did you find this server / community?: My friend Nickerbrick
Did anyone invite you to the server, if so who?: EliteDuck
Which mod packs are you most interested in? Infinity 2.2.2

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  Whitelist Technofirma
Posted by: Rema78 - 19-12-2015, 12:25 AM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (1)

In game name: Rema78
Country: Im from Netherlands
Describe your personality: im a very friendly and helpful person, if someone need help, ill do all i can for helping.
How much experience do you have with Feed The Beast and/or minecraft mods?: i´ve been playing Direwolf20 pack VC2
How did you find this server / community?: Curse modpack
Did anyone invite you to the server, if so who?: no
Which mod are you most interested in? TerraFirmaCraft

I all ready played some time but was not white listed

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  DarkServerUK Dynmap
Posted by: Dask_BR - 16-12-2015, 03:02 PM - Forum: Technofirma - Replies (2)

Hello everyone,

Access to Dynmap is the problem? Since the last reset map can not access the server dynmap

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