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  add me to the whitelist pleaze
Posted by: deskiller303 - 14-08-2013, 07:12 PM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (2)

•In game name:kellyferguson
•AgeSad16 or older)16
•Previous experience with the mods: buildcraft
•Why do you think we should whitelist you?: so i can enjoy the commity and have fun with uther players
•Do you think you are mature player? Explain why:mature level 82
•Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?:hippo
•How did you find the server?:hippo
•Have you been on any servers before?: If so name of server no
•Have you been banned before? (We will check) no

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  Whitelist thebeastjose
Posted by: thebeastjose - 12-08-2013, 07:57 PM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (1)

In game name:
Country: I live in the United States (New York)
Age: I am 15 years old, (My friend who plays on the server is Lankyrik, he invited me here)
Previous experience with the mods: I have Played FTB Ultimate pack.
Why do you think we should whitelist you?: You should whitelist me because i am a friendly person and i also like to do a lot of stuff with people.
Do you think you are mature player? Explain why: I am a Mature person because i listen and respect everything that this server has to offer. Smile
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: Yea, His name is Lankyrik
How did you find the server?: My Friend Lankyrik brought me here.
Have you been on any servers before?: Nickfost server.
Have you been banned before? I Don't think i have been banned before, but i may have.

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  Whitelist reiss1100
Posted by: reiss1100 - 11-08-2013, 06:33 PM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (1)

In game name: reiss1100
Country: U.K
AgeSad16 or older) 16
Previous experience with the mods: Played with the Direwolf20 mods for a while now
Why do you think we should whitelist you?: So I can meet some cool people and play with me Buddy rhys992010
Do you think you are mature player? Explain why: Im not some kid that moans all the time that needs constant help. Also I got some of the ye olde' common sense Wink
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: rhys992010
How did you find the server?: Friend told me about it
Have you been on any servers before?: If so name of server. Havent been banned
Have you been banned before? (We will check) Nope

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  Whitelist Brydsen
Posted by: jbrydsen - 10-08-2013, 08:38 AM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (2)

In game name: Brydsen
Country: United Kingdom
AgeSad16 or older) 28
Previous experience with the mods: I've been playing FTB for a few months now, mostly the Ultimate pack so I'm new to some of the things in Unleashed. I'm learning them in Single Player atm Smile
Why do you think we should whitelist you?: I'm just looking for a place to hang out with some like minded people and build some interesting stuff. I'm always happy to help anyone if I can!
Do you think you are mature player? Explain why: Yes, I'm pretty quiet and don't like childish arguments and stuff like that. I have a job and a life outside of minecraft (unfortunately)
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: Not yet!
How did you find the server?: On the FTB forums.
Have you been on any servers before?: If so name of server I played on route66craft.be for a while which runs/ran the Ultimate pack. It seems to have been abandoned though (and the community wasn't that mature).
Have you been banned before? (We will check) Never.

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  Whitelist Atlantisrift
Posted by: atlantisrift - 05-08-2013, 10:54 PM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (1)

In game name: Atlantisrift
Country: Denmark
Age: 22
Previous experience with the mods: i have experience with some of the mods from using the direwolf pack.
Why do you think we should whitelist you?: i am willing to share the knowledge i have with some of the mods if anyone needs it and i would like to try FTB on a server as i have only tried it in singleplayer so far.
Do you think you are mature player? Explain why: i believe i am a mature as i dont break the rules and im not a rude person.
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: no, as i found this server on the FTB forums
How did you find the server?: found it on the FTB forums as said above.
Have you been on any servers before?: i have played on a tekkit along time ago but i cant remember the name. found the tekkit server via a twitch streamer.
Have you been banned before?: no i have not

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  Whitelist Painstouch
Posted by: Painstouch - 04-08-2013, 02:57 PM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (2)

In game name? Painstouch
Country you're from? Slovenia
Number of springs you have smelled so far? 23
Previous experience with the mods? Technic for 1.2.5 and onwards.
Why do you think we should whitelist you? Expanding your player base with active members.
Do you think you are mature player? The last thing that comes to my mind is violating rules, even down the road.
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you? Not that I am aware of.
Where on Minecartia did you shovel up our home away from home? FTB Forum post, that you updated with FTB Unleashed, which I'd prefer to play.
Which home did you previously call your own? Sadly, no real MC Multiplayer experience bar a single Vanilla whitelisted one for couple of logins. Found that their "maturity" filter wasn't strict enough.
Name and and ALL terrors you've committed on your quest for glory? I did never such a thing and I prefer it stays so.

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  Eve Online 21 day trial promo
Posted by: Saitek2073 - 17-07-2013, 04:04 AM - Forum: General - No Replies

If anyone would like to try out a new game it is called Eve Online. Check out this trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZPCiqBLP...E1&index=2
You can get a 14 day trial for free but I can give out 21 day trial promo

Let me know if you want a 21 day trial

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Posted by: LankyRik - 14-07-2013, 11:10 AM - Forum: General - Replies (1)

I follow the darkserver twitter feed, but what about the users?

If you've got twitter, post ya name here to follow and be followed. Smile

I'm @LankyRik

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  whitelist MCdreamer1
Posted by: jurgenroo - 14-06-2013, 06:26 AM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (1)

In game name: mcdreamer1
AgeSad16 or older) 40
Previous experience with the mods: know a lot of them had my own server too
Why do you think we should whitelist you?: love to help others and build /learn new projects, .
Do you think you are mature player? Explain why: because i already play mc for 3 years
without any conflicts with anyone ,because i am a teamplayer
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?:
How did you find the server?: ftb forum
Have you been on any servers before?: If so name of server, buildception, kumacraft(does not exist anymore) and my own server roofthooftcraft.
Have you been banned before? (We will check) no never been banned, if it aint mine
dont touch it

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  daker41 whitelist
Posted by: daker41 - 13-06-2013, 08:34 AM - Forum: Add me to the whitelist! - Replies (1)

In game name: daker41
Country: Australia
Previous experience with the mods: most common mod in the ultimate pack
Why do you think we should whitelist you?: i am a great person and i liko to contribute to the community whether in game or not
Do you think you are mature player? Explain why: yes i am very mature because i like to help people and will try to stop an agument or resolve it if i can
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: none that i no of
How did you find the server?: FTB forums
Have you been on any servers before?: yes i have been on a server called kumacraft i was one of the founding members
Have you been banned before? not that i am aware of

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