(18-09-2015, 07:32 PM)mrmorse Wrote: [ -> ]Last night I was playing and my client crashed. Upon rejoining it kept crashing over and over immediately after loading in. I was in a random area in the wilderness while walking back from spawn due to a missing/obstructed bed (perhaps another broken thing? my bed was/is fine).
I'm kind of locked out of the server due to this. I'll post my crash log below, in the hopes that it points to a general bug and not just an issue client-side.
I was hoping that a tp away from my current location might temporarily fix it for me.
crash log
(EDIT: apparently I was stuck in a bad chunk. read crash logs for my coord and avoid that area if you know what's good for you! I was tp'd out of there and it fixed the issue. thanks dex)
The earthquake of 2.13.0!
Not really, but I'm cleaning up as it there was. Looks like some cool mods were added! Can't wait to buy the deed to my house.
First issues I noticed with this update:
-many recipes are using vanilla items that are uncraftable like iron ingots and tools like:
EA battery, electric tools
recipes that call for iron axe/pick (BC pump)
Also, seems that movement is wonky. Can't really jump forward anymore.
that's just my first impression
(23-09-2015, 12:11 AM)mrmorse Wrote: [ -> ]The earthquake of 2.13.0!
Not really, but I'm cleaning up as it there was. Looks like some cool mods were added! Can't wait to buy the deed to my house.
First issues I noticed with this update:
-many recipes are using vanilla items that are uncraftable like iron ingots and tools like:
EA battery, electric tools
recipes that call for iron axe/pick (BC pump)
Also, seems that movement is wonky. Can't really jump forward anymore.
that's just my first impression
Fixed the crafting issue with 2.13.1. Movement, I have no idea about that as of yet.
Hi Dex,
Here's the first bad section of the map. I only know of one other which i'll post next.
I used this minecraft coordinate calculator, assuming it works right, to try and make this easier to describe/find for you.
So... the bad chunk area is a square as highlighted in Red here....the green circle is my home that i'm trying not to wipe. nobody lives in this red square and its impassable anyway
with the upper left being 3400, -8800, with coord calculator saying that this means these chunks:
and lower right being 3700, -8500, which it shows as these chunks:
Edit: the lower edge of this is actually -8430 exactly it looks like....
does this work for deleting that section?
Re: beds...
i decided to move back 7000 blocks to my homies but only realized when i got there that i couldnt sleep to reset spawn...
so i'll try not to die...but would really love to be able to reset spawn instead! unless someone can confirm that clicking on it and getting the "you are not tired right now" message is enough? i dont wanna die to find out
you can set spawn by sleeping in the berth from the ships mod. That one doesn't seem to need you to be tired to sleep.
Last night i was having "new" server sync issues. something i hadn't experienced in any of the hours previous-- items i was using would disappear from inventory for 5-10 minutes and then re-appear, sometimes only after logging out and back in. it was really bad, i would have one item in a slot in inventory and then press a button to use it and it would have become the last item i had there. trying to open a barrel was difficult, and once i did i couldnt load items into it without them re-appearing in my inventory several times.
probably just me lagging but it hadn't happened before.
also since update the world takes longer to come into view--i can see through the ground every time i turn my head.
Ok i have 2.14.1 now.
Since this update happened, seeds started disappearing again (this was fixed in 14.0).
Every since 2.14, and still happening now, my experience is about a 10 block view unless i stand still for a very long time. it did not used to do this:
notice on the map i'm right next to some guy's fence and i can't see it.
A few IE issues mentioned in server chat recently, posting for the record:
-IE radiator blocks require vanilla water bucket. Bucket won't pick up TFC water
-IE concrete requires vanilla gravel currently
-IE thermogenerators requiring vanilla liquids
There seems to be a Small Issue with Planes
- While Preparing to land I Was Slowing Down and pointed at my runway while at about 20 blocks away my Plane just Broke and i am unsure Why