18-12-2012, 12:49 AM
Age: 15
Previous Experience with the Mods:
I have a lot of experience with the mods and watch a lot of Youtube videos and learn something new every time.
Why do I think you should whitelist me?:
I love mods and I was on your old FTB server and know tons of stuff about the mods on the server.
How did I find this server?:
Searching for FTB servers on Google.
Am I a mature player:
Are there any player I would vouch for?:
Yes, for sure.
Have I been on any servers before?:
Yes, FTB servers (Like your old one), and many others.
Age: 15
Previous Experience with the Mods:
I have a lot of experience with the mods and watch a lot of Youtube videos and learn something new every time.
Why do I think you should whitelist me?:
I love mods and I was on your old FTB server and know tons of stuff about the mods on the server.
How did I find this server?:
Searching for FTB servers on Google.
Am I a mature player:
Are there any player I would vouch for?:
Yes, for sure.
Have I been on any servers before?:
Yes, FTB servers (Like your old one), and many others.