16-12-2012, 07:17 PM
IGN: 115zombiekiller
Age: 15
Have you ever been banned: Well, I think we all remember.
Country: Canada
Previous experiences with mods:
I can get some crappy programs in CC, I'm ok with IndustrialCraft, I can make Quarries in BC , I learned alot of Thaumcraft.
Why should I be whitelisted:
Because everyone should be able to have fun (of course with a proper app) and I've been member on this server since it just had ComputerCraft.
Do I think I'm mature:
I'm not a noob but I'm not the most mature person... Immaturity level: 69
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: Not sure if that means if member would like me to be on, but if so: Kody306, TigerReborn, NzTeMo.
How did you find the server?: ComputerCraft forums
Have you been on any servers before?: If you mean modded servers, I've been on this one and another one, Desolation Magic World.
Notes: I don't like talking on TS.
IGN: 115zombiekiller
Age: 15
Have you ever been banned: Well, I think we all remember.
Country: Canada
Previous experiences with mods:
I can get some crappy programs in CC, I'm ok with IndustrialCraft, I can make Quarries in BC , I learned alot of Thaumcraft.
Why should I be whitelisted:
Because everyone should be able to have fun (of course with a proper app) and I've been member on this server since it just had ComputerCraft.
Do I think I'm mature:
I'm not a noob but I'm not the most mature person... Immaturity level: 69
Are there any members that you think will vouch for you?: Not sure if that means if member would like me to be on, but if so: Kody306, TigerReborn, NzTeMo.
How did you find the server?: ComputerCraft forums
Have you been on any servers before?: If you mean modded servers, I've been on this one and another one, Desolation Magic World.
Notes: I don't like talking on TS.